Monday, May 11, 2015

Have you ever started working on your future even though it was far away? My 20% time project is on learning what I want to be? Electrical engineer or be in Business? What CEOs do? The things I enjoyed or what was easy about my 20% time project. I'm also going to mention the things that were hard and what I didn't like about my project.
My main goal of my project was to see what I wanted to be when I get older and what CEOs and Electrical engineers do. I accomplished learning what CEOs do and what Electrical engineers do. CEO stands for chief executive officer which is the highest-ranking person in a company. A CEO's job is to basically run things and make sure the business is going good and everybody is doing their part and has what they need to do their work.
I learned that electrical engineers work on things like phones, computers, cable and etc. Electrical engineers job can be as simple as fixing a power line or figuring out a microchip that goes in a phone. My main conflict was if I wanted to be an electrical engineer or get like a masters in business and become a CEO. I still haven't decided yet what I want to do they both seem interesting and something that I would love to do. Overall I enjoyed doing my project and I learned a lot from.

Monday, May 4, 2015

I started making my poster board and writing my speech for my 20% time. I'm going to present everything I've been working on for 20% time Friday. This is going to be my last post ever.

Friday, April 10, 2015

I went a whole week with doing everything with passion. It was easy ,but fun because I got to do things I love and enjoy more than things I don't like and don't really care for. My next step is to keep it simple ,so that will kind of be hard for me because I like complicated things ,but I'm going to do my best to try and I will update you non how it went next week. I got this from cool article.

Friday, April 3, 2015

I went a whole two weeks with embracing change and I normally don't take that long to do one of my assignment ,but this one was more challenging because i didn't fully understand how to do it and when i found what it means it still was hard to do. Next week I'm going to do everything with passion. I will let you know how it goes.

Friday, March 6, 2015

I went a whole week with responding to everyone. Which that can be difficult if you talk to a bunch of people and if most of them have a question it can be hard to think of an answer for all of them,but then again it can be easy because you can get used to it and learn to get better at it. Next week i will be learning how to embrace change for a whole week. I will update you on how it goes and i got this step from cool article.

Friday, February 6, 2015

I went a whole week with being a team player. It was kind of hard cause i kept forgetting what that meant and what i was suppose to be doing ,but after i remembered what it meant I was able to do a good job I think. My next objective is to respond to everyone ,so i will be doing that to next week starting on Monday. I will update you on how it goes and i got my facts from cool article.

Friday, January 30, 2015

I went a whole week with being honest and transparent. It went great i learned that is not really easy to be honest ,but it is really easy to not be honest. Also being transparent is not as easy as i thought it would be ,but I've been learning to try to be and to remember to be. My new objective for next week is to be a team player ,so i will be doing that for a whole week and i will update you on how it went. I got my next step from cool article.